Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Mind out of gutter...

My attention span sucks, but whatdya know...the words "Black Cock: Call for Art" caught it and held for about 2.2 seconds. I can't seem to complete half of the things I do, but boy did I make the effort simply because this band's name is "Black Cock".
I'm: Sad. Pathetic. Crass. Childish. Etc.
I know:|
But it ISN'T actually dirty, guys. They just identify with roosters. Black ones. Get your mind out of the gutter.
Here is my submission for their album artwork. Its doubtful I will win...its not even very original...but it gave me the chance to experiment with some different materials, including my beloved glass balls!
I will also be posting on www.rarebirdart.blogspot.com just to make sure my black cock gets seen. Oh stop!

*If you would like to attend the gallery showing and party for the band at Mohawk this Thursday July 9th starting at 8, please RSVP to rsvp@blackcockrock.com
There will be free food and drinks and a DJ and other goodies....plus Black Cock art, yay! These guys are loud, a little punk, a little electronic...super nice peeps too:)


I did 2 sketches before I started on my rooster painting to submit for album artwork...I couldn't even sit still long enough to complete one:|
Ugh...I have serious focus issues.

Paint Failure Frames

Just some frames I am messing around with right now....Layering them with separating, dripping, peeling, aging, paint...who knows how they will eventually turn out..hopefully closer to pretty rather than ugly. These are the risks.
I'm working on pushing forward...even if I think I might ruin something. I've held back for so long out of this whole "what-if-I-make-it-worse" fear.
Failure can be a good thing...or so I keep telling myself.

Rat: Painted

In an earlier post, I described my new venture: Paper Mache. I call him, "Ele' Fant" (I once named a pet snail, "Giraffe"...deal with it.) He's kinda a creepy little dude. But I like creepy...he will evolve into various postures and sizes for K's Halloween extravaganza. Gonna work on making these eyes a little less albino-ish.
Anyhoo, here's what he looks like painted.

All the Rage: Patina Fingernails

They're hot...I know...I'm such a trend-setter.

Tree Gate Progress

So the gate is getting there...slowly but surely. I did some samples, playing with paint failure and oxidation and then sealed a part. I'm hoping I won't be sorry using these unorthodox methods on hot rolled steel.
Speaking of hot...this sucker heats up like a frying pan. In order to work on it, I had to get up before the sun blazed its heat upon my tree. Could only work a little at a time as it starts affecting my application process. I'm liking it though..and D likes it.
I will post some more final pics on www.rarebirdart.blogspot.com

Scatter-Birdie Jukebox: The Knife

Their sound to me is both creepy and uplifting at the same time...Kinda like when I watch a solid horror flick. I can't help but want more even though I know the images are scary and grotesque...there is beauty in fear and pain. I feel like I can hear that in these siblings voices.

Also, check out their fairly recent and more morbid sounding latest project: Fever Ray.

Say yay to freaky swedes!

Scatter-Birdie Cinema: Bottle Shock

If you are a wine lover...this is a great DVD to check out. It really makes you appreciate all the artistry and science that goes into making a great bottle of vino. Plus it sticks it to those Frenchies;)

Be sure and check out the Bonus Features for an interesting "infomercial" on the actual vineyard.